The project is inspired by the concept of Real-time bidding and looks at how attention is being used as an economic
commodity in the current socio-technological systems. The attention is being grabbed, traded and manipulated in the larger visual (digital) culture on the internet, and the media (news).
You can make your own copy version of the artwork
by Play/Pause the gifs
Press Ctrl+P to save as PDF file for print purpose. The print function depends on your browser. Some browsers give nicer prints, while some do not.
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- Salik Ansari
Work on this webpage is the result of its contribution by several artists and designers. They are acknowledge at the end of page. You are encourage to look at their work as well.
In case your browser blocks the audio, you can manually play it from here:
Project by Artist Salik Ansari Interaction Design byMalay Dhamelia
Blurring boundaries 2020
Inlaks x Avid Learning
Artwork images contributed by:
Arshi Ahmadzai for letter drawings
Manjot Kaur for thumbprints extract
Sanket Jadia for moon demolition photograph
Poem extract from video 'Footnotes' by Amshu Chukki
'Haadu Biddaga'/'Song-Slaughter', a poem by Mamta Sagar
Translated into English by Dr. Vanamala Vishwanath